Orange County CAPPIES
The Cappies was created in the summer of 1999 by Bill Strauss, author of Millennials Rising:The Next Great Generation and founder of the Capitol Steps, and Judy Bowns, the Fairfax County Public Schools theatre resource teacher, in co-operation with theatre, music and journalism educators in the Washington D.C. area. Bill and Judy wanted to bring more positive attention to the creative efforts of teenagers. Bill, through his research and writing about generations especially the youth generation whom he named the Millennials, saw great promise in the talents of these young students and wanted to strengthen and celebrate their education in the arts and journalism.
There are currently fourteen Cappies chapters across the US and Canada. Each is made up of a cluster of high schools ranging in size from ten to sixty schools (public and private schools as well as home school groups). Within each chapter, every participating high school forms a critic team of students and designates at least one of its school shows to be its Cappies show which will be attended and reviewed by the critic teams from other schools.
The critic teams are trained in theatre criticism, the Cappies rules, and fairness and respect for their fellow students who are putting on the Cappies designated shows. The program runs through a student developed IT communication system called CIS. (Cappies Information System)
The FUHS Cappies team consists of nine current students who demonstrate stellar writing skills and have a strong interest not only in seeing live theatre but also having their work published in the Orange County Register.